March 08, 2007

Tumbling records

Well, here I go again setting those training records tumbling, I've now passed my total miles that I did for 2006. I've also for the first time this year gone under 50 minutes for my ten mile early morning jaunt.

That means I am either getting fitter, which is quite possible, or because the dawn is rising earlier,I am actually able to see most of the roads I am travelling on and as such am able to traverse them at a more breakneck speed! It also means I need to extend the ride to get my full hours training benefits.

Anyway next target has to be, to beat my 2005 and 2006 totals combined.

Coming up shortly (end of next week), I also have my first full gear training run over the "actual" mileage I am hoping to cover each day, the aim of which has to be, to be able to walk without doing a John Wayne impression the day after.
If you hear of a man walking round the pie village saying phrases like " get off your horse and milk your cow" you will know I have failed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am very impressed with your progress thus far.

However, I feel your cardiovascular excesses ( or however you spell it ! ) may be putting you at risk of dehydration.

Basically what I am trying to say you fancy a pint on Saturday ?

It will be an ideal time to discuss the logistics of the JOGLE.
I.E. what dates I can drive down to meet you for a pint during your epic voyage.

Give us a bell or text if you are up for it.

I will also discuss my level of sponsorship, I had thought about £1 a mile ( well it worked at school when we did sponsored walks, but our lass said I hadn't thought it through ).

P.S. is there a prize for first "comment"?, and if it's a signed pair of cycling shorts can I have them before you do the ride ?

Jonny M