February 06, 2007

Feeling Old!

Today I feel old! I can't remember where I've left my bike ,what I had for breakfast, and have absolutely no idea how my top troublemaker Oliver is now THREE.
That must mean intrinsically that I have been a Dad for three years today! My how ones life changes! It seems only yesterday I was "abandoned" with a newborn and told to get him "dressed before he gets cold".
Gone is all that partying, seeing my mates once a month, drinking alcohol, spending money wildly on women and song and having not a care in the world. (Before anyone says anything I can dream!)
Replaced by responsible green thinking, careful budgeting, and the call of "wake up lazybones, it's time for my breakfast" at 6:15 on a Sunday morning.
Would I change it? not for the world.
All that's left to say is Happy Birthday Oliver!

Love Daddy.

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