February 23, 2007

Blue Peter Time

Well I've done it now! The accommodation is all booked, all I've got to do now is work out how the hell I get to John O'Groats (though I know it will be by Train to either Thurso or Wick and then travelling on in some form). Can't do that till three months before because the Train companies might want to put their prices up, or Gordon Brown is starting charging Train Station taxes or some such.

So I am reduced to the small matter of joining the dots on a map.

I am using the tried and tested method of the largest AA Road atlases I could find (2 of), marked with fluorescent marker pen and then each relevant page detached from its bindings and good old Sticky back plastic to combine to make a beautiful stage map for each day.
Its just like being an extra for Blue Peter but unfortunately no-one so far has said to me "here's one I made earlier".

I suppose its quite appropriate given Blue Peter are looking after a Guide Dog Puppy called Magic at the moment and my aim is to raise at least £1,000 for Guide Dogs.

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