May 23, 2007


As a result of commitments to family matters (playing Cricket at Archie's Christening mainly and stuffing my face with Pork Pie and Christening cake) its been a light week with regard to training so far.

Have to say being betwixt and between "heavy" training and final preparations has meant May has been hard work motivational wise, in the appending derriere to saddle and encouraging legs to join in the rotation of pedals kind of way.

I've just worked out there are 45 days to go before I depart the far north, having no doubt glimpsed the polar ice caps and felt the wind in my face and hopefully the sun on my back as I pass the starting line. So I guess the "hard work" of preparation needs to be finalised very soon.

I can tell you one thing 5.30 am rides, although often great for waking up the mind and the body once upon them, are a pain in the proverbial to clamber out of bed to, so I have to say I have every sympathy with Caroline when she says "I shall be glad when you've finished getting up at this time!".

I am starting to put together my thoughts on necessary kit, thankfully Jonny M has promised to bring fresh supplies of socks if he manages to catch up with me (being the speedster I am!).

I have a plan for a devil of a ride this weekend and really do expect John Wayne syndrome this time, I definitely expect to have to use the lift when I get to work as I'm sure my legs will not forgive me if I complete the ride and then try and use the stairs the day after.

You may guess that I'll let you know how I get on!

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