July 16, 2007

Long days and the lovely Runcorn bridge

Stats 83.87 miles time 9.34.52 av speed 8.7 mph max 26.5mph total miles 632.8 total time 68:46:41. Well thats day 9 finally finished. A day that in all truth I had not been looking forward to saw me wake to a sun filled sky, and I set off for the likes of Runcorn and Chester with good cheer. The first few miles where through pleasant countryside though my legs were trailing me a little as tiredness was never far away. After the first 15 miles I realised this was not going to be a quick day and so lowered my gears accordingly. I soon began to reach the more industrialised parts of the ride and a greatly increased amount of traffic mostly finding myself riding on the hard shoulders of fast dual carriageways. Which is mentally draining, I then came to the Runcorn bridge at which I had to dismount and walk across the pedestrian bit. Now I am not fond of heights and so found this tough forcing myself to keep going and not look down . Anyway I crossed to be met with a large obstacle being that the road I needed was going right and to get there I would have to cross 3 lanes of fast flowing traffic. So I abandoned and went for lunch. Having eaten I slowly found a way to said road and crawled my way through Chester and beyond. My progress was very slow and the sun cracking the flags just this once didnt help. Anyway having spied a fish and chip shop I took advantage of their goods before finally making the last few miles to Hordley. I am now going to bed to try and recover, an exhausted man! 6 stages to go now, I am lower in the country than home so I definitely must be past half way which gives me hope that I can get to the end on Sunday! Ttfn Racing

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